





1st Week
11th July
12th July
13th July
14th July
15th July
Nigel Higson
Nigel Higson
Nigel Higson
Nigel Higson
Nigel Higson
Lunch Break
N. C. Phillips
George Elliott
N. C. Phillips
George Elliott
N. C Phillips
Yijun Yao
Yijun Yao
Yijun Yao
Yijun Yao
Yijun Yao
2nd Week
18th July
19th July
20th July
21st July
22nd July
Shengzhi Xu
Shengzhi Xu
Shengzhi Xu
Shengzhi Xu
Shengzhi Xu
Lunch Break
N. C. Phillips
N. C. Phillips
N. C. Phillips
Huaxin Lin
Huaxin Lin
Zhuang Niu
Zhuang Niu
Zhuang Niu
3rd Week
25th July
26th July
27th July
28th July
29th July
Ryszard Nest
Ryszard Nest
Ryszard Nest
Ryszard Nest
Ryszard Nest
Quanhua Xu
Quanhua Xu
Quanhua Xu
Quanhua Xu
Quanhua Xu
Lunch Break
Guihua Gong
Guihua Gong
Guoliang Yu
Guoliang Yu
Guoliang Yu
Qin Wang
Qin Wang
Yang Liu


Lecturer Photo Lecture Title Lecture Plan

The Agony and the Ecstasy---the Classification of Simple Amenable C*-algebras I will review the history of the classification of simple amenable C*-algebras and introduce the recent classification results by Gong, Lin, Niu and me. I will also mention some future directions of the classification program.

Introduction to Classification of real rank zero C*-algebras. I will talk about some works on the classification of real rank zero C*-algebras. Such C*-algebras are natural objects in this area and enjoy rich projections in the structure. Concrete classes of reak rank zero C*-algebras appeared as inductive limit ones (etc.) will be discussed.

K-Theory for Banach Algebras

Nigel Higson Lecture Information


The Bott Maps and Almost Commuting Unitaries We will introduce some useful tools in the study of the structure of C*-algebras. These include the Basic Homotopy Lemma and rotation maps. We will begin with a pair of almost commuting unitaries and the Bott map.

Modular Curvature for Toric Noncommutative Manifolds A general question behind the talk is to explore a good notion for intrinsic curvature in the framework of noncommutative geometry started by Alain Connes in the 80's. It has only recently begun (2014) to be comprehended via the intensive study of modular geometry on the noncommutative two tori. In this talk, we extend recent results on the modular geometry on noncommutative two tori to a larger class of noncommutative manifolds: toric noncommutative manifolds. (Slides)

Homological Methods in Operator Algebras

l. Triangulated structure of KK-category and related homological functors
2. UCT theorem (problem) for non-simple C*-algebras
3. Universal properties of the assembly map for group actions
4. Assembly map and Baum-Connes conjecture for quantum groups
5. Around C*-algebras, cyclic homology, algebraic K-theory and higher categories.

Classification of C*-algebras: AF-algebras and a little beyond The classification of approximately finite dimensional C*-algebras (AF-algebras) will be reviewed. In particular, we shall check the roles of existence theorem and uniqueness theorem in the intertwining argument. Then, let us move slightly further and introduce the C*-algebras which can be tracially approximated by finite dimensional C*-algebras.

Crossed Products by Finite Groups

N. Christopher Phillips Lecture Information

(The slides for those lectures)

Groupoids in Higher Index Problems

Lecture Information


Lecture Information

Groupoid Algebras

Lecture Information

The Interaction of Algebraic Topological and Operator K-theory For a Banach algebra (C*-algebra) we can define several kinds of K-theory from the point of view of topology, algebra, and analysis. I will compare the various K-theory, and give the interaction between them.

Primary and Secondary Invariants of Elliptic Operators and Applications In these lectures, I will introduce primary and secondary index invariants of elliptic operators and discuss their applications to geometry and topology. This is joint work with Shmuel Weinberger and Zhizhang Xie.

Group Photo
